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The Map-Pac© Program

What is the MAP-PAC?

MAP is an acronym for ministry advancement portfolio and PAC means Process assessment and certification.

The MAP-PAC© differs from other programs in two ways:

1The MAP – allows for the assembling and presentation of documented learning regardless of how it was gained. It includes transcripts, degrees and certificates that have already been earned, and joins all other methods to form one complete portfolio of the total learning experience and converts it into transcript credits.

  • Through evaluation and assessment of prior knowledge and performance skills – distance learning – mentoring and independent study, those in ministry related fields are able to complete graduate degrees, primarily through portfolio assessment, and at a fraction of the cost of the traditional university system.
  • We believe that, whether you learned on a hillside from Jesus, under a tree with your mentor or in the classroom, the significant thing is that you learned and that you learned the truth.

2 The PAC [Process Assessment and Certification] implements continued education, online and independent learning. It is through the PAC that required credits, recognized during the initial MAP evaluation, are completed.

The PAC may include:

  • Credit by examination, Test-4-Credit (T4C©)
  • Workshops / Lectures
  • Independent study/Online courses
  • Thesis or Ministry Business Plan
  • Research / Dissertation


Allows for the assembling and presentation of documented learning regardless of how it was gained. It includes transcripts, degrees and certificates that have already been earned, and joins all other methods to form one complete portfolio of the total learning experience and converts it into transcript credits.The MAP would include:

  • Independent study/Online courses
  • Thesis or Ministry Business Plan
  • Dissertation
  • Written Works
  • Workshops
  • Lectures
  • Research


Implements continued independent learning by degree candidates and is held open throughout their program. It is through the PAC that credits needed to complete a degree program, recognized during the initial MAP evaluation, are completed. At Primus University of Theology, our course material may consist of required texts, lecture notes, supplementary reading or exercises and linked to digital educational resources, depending upon the course.The PAC would include:

  • Credit by examination, Test-4-Credit (T4C©)
  • Oral examination
  • Workshops
  • Lectures

Teaching has forever been an edict of the Church; it is from this edict that our educational system was spawned. Historically, there have been two distinct authorities that charter or authorize educational institutions: The government or civil authority and the Church or Ecclesiastical authority.

The MAP–PAC provides for the greatest amount of savings on degree program costs, through the use of teaching alliances, Alumnus Professors, online classes and independent study. The classic model of the original Ecclesiastical Open University System, helps keep the cost of earning a degree through Primus University of Theology to a fraction of the cost of a traditional degree program. We are looking forward to helping your achieve your degree goal.

The University is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit University accredited through the University Accreditation Association [UAA].